

From a staggered standing position, the performer bends forward and places the hands on the mat at shoulder width apart. The fingers point forward and spread apart for a wide base of support. The arms are kept straight, the head is back, and the shoulders lean forward over the hands. The eyes focus forward at a spot on the mat. The front leg rests in a flexed position while the other leg kicks upward. The front leg joins the kicking leg as it comes to the upright position. The shoulders shift backward over the hands when the legs move above the supporting hands. The fingers press against the mat to maintain balance.

Reference: 1994, SUPPORTING MATERIALS ON PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS (2nd Edition), Curriculum Development Institute, Education Department, HK.


The handspring starts with an approach run followed by a skip step with the arms in an overhead position. The body bends downward and the hands are placed on the mat in front at shoulder width apart. The front leg pushes hard off the mat while the other leg is thrown powerfully overhead. The arms are kept straight and push the body away as the legs came overhead. The head is held back and the eyes focus on a spot on the mat beyond the hands. As the legs come down, the body is arched and the hips thrust forward. The body lands on both feet, back arched, and the arms held overheads.

Reference: 1994, SUPPORTING MATERIALS ON PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS (2nd Edition), Curriculum Development Institute, Education Department, HK.